If your like me, you love to snack. I tend to snack while watching tv, reading, browsing the internet, working on my blog, ect. I tend to snack on sweets like candy and cookies. What kinds of snacks do you prefer?
To be honest, I enjoy just about everything, and there in lies the problem. Everything doesn't always include healthier choices. With a new year just around the corner, I'm determined to do better.
Recently, Yoplait Fiber One conducted a survey, and found that Americans are fed up with flavorless, boring snacks. The survey respondents claimed that this contributed to diet failure.
With 50 calories, 5 grams of fiber and 0 grams of fat, Yoplait Fiber One Blueberry yogurt is a perfect solution, packed with real fruit and the great taste of blueberries that you´ll love. As an added bonus, the deliciously creamy yogurt also contains vitamins A and D and is a good source of calcium.
If your a fan of blueberries (I am!), you will love the Yoplait Fiber One blueberry Yogurt. I was very excited to have a chance to try out this flavor, and it did not disappoint. Sweet, creamy and sooo delicious!
Download a printable coupon for $1.00 off the purchase of a 4-pack of Yoplait Blueberry yogurt!
One lucky reader will receive a Fiber One Blueberry yogurt gift pack that includes:
Coupon for a free package of Yoplait Fiber One yogurt.
A fitness journal and pen
Sport towel
Water bottle
Blueberry stress ball.
*This coupon for a Free Yoplait Fiber One Blueberry yogurt is not valid in some states, including California, Idaho, Louisiana, Minnesota, New Jersey, Nevada, North Dakota and Tennessee
Mandatory Entry
* Fill out the entry form with your name, and email address.
* Extra Entries
* Follow Yoplait on Twitter!
* Like Yoplait On Facebook!
* Follow me on Twitter
*Follow me on Google Friend Connect
(make sure you add your e-mail to your entry)
*Tweet this giveaway
( If you tweet add #myblogspark or handle name @YoplaitYogurt)
* What time of day you plan on enjoying the new Blueberry flavor of Fiber One yogurt?
~This giveaway begins on January 1st and ends on January 15th 2011 at 12 midnite EST. Winner will be chosen by random.org, contacted by e-mail, and will have three days to respond with name and address.~
Disclosure: Yoplait provided the information and giveaway through MyBlogSpark. Any opinions stated are my own. I was not compensated in any manner aside from the product to review.
The contest is closed and the winner is Liz.
riceburns (at) hotmail (dot) com
i would love to have yoplait mverno@roadrunner.com
kelly w.
chlorinebrain at sbcglobal dot net
This looks yummy!
I follow Yoplait on twitter (ohstac)
I follow you on twitter (ohstac)
I follow on GFC
I would love to have the new yogurt in the morning. It would make a great on-the-go breakfast for me.
What a great prize pack! And I love blueberry!
carrieanne_17 at yahoo dot com
I love yoplait yogurt it's my snack before bed.
I would take the yogurt in my lunch. kim-avonbaby87@gmail.com
linda lansford
Richard hity at hawaii dot rr dot com
I Follow Yoplait on Twitter!
I Like Yoplait On Facebook!
I Follow you on Twitter
GFC public follower
I usually have my Yoplait watching TV at night.
Anna hiann8 at hawaii dot rr dot com
I Follow Yoplait on Twitter!
I Follow Yoplait on Twitter!
I Like Yoplait On Facebook!
I Follow me on Twitter
GFC public follower
I eat it as a snack in the afternoon.
Marcia Goss
I like Yoplait on Facebook.
I follow Yoplait on Twitter @mgoss123.
Great giveaway!
I follow your blog on Google Friend Connect.
I would enjoy Yoplait FiberOne yogurt as a mid-morning snack at work.
marci h
tristatecruisers at yahoo dot com
Like Yoplait on FB :)
marci h
tristatecruisers at yahoo dot com
follow via GFC :)
marci h
tristatecruisers at yahoo dot com
Joy F
magic5905 at embarqmail dot com
I follow Yoplait on twitter (@homemom3)
I follow yoplait on facebook (Eliza Ferree)
I follow you on twitter (@homemom3)
Thanks for the giveaway!
Thank you for the giveaway!
Kimberly :)
kirbycolby at gmail dot com
I follow Yoplait on twitter @Aerated.
kirbycolby at gmail dot com
I follow you on twitter @Aerated.
kirbycolby at gmail dot com
I usually eat yogurt either for breakfast or pre lunch snack. :)
kirbycolby at gmail dot com
tweet! thank you! http://twitter.com/Aerated/status/24490055875698689
kirbycolby at gmail dot com
egenevieve at gmail dot com
GFC follower
egenevieve at gmail dot com
I follow yoplait on twitter @bobthebunny25
egenevieve at gmail dot com
Count me in please.
I couldn't find an entry form. I'd like to try the strawberry
The key lime flavor of this yogurt is so good.
consider this my entry form
troutdaddy at att dot net
wombatpurple at yahoo dot com
Is this the entry for?
Strawberry would be my flavor of choice!
Thanks for the giveaway. LeAnn v. (LKVOYER at aol dot com)
Following yoplait on twitter @dancersmom69. LKVOYER at aol dot com
Like Yoplait on FB (leann brandner voyer) LKVOYER at aol dot com
Following on GFC. LKVOYER at aol dot com
Following you on twitter @dancersmom69. LKVOYER at aol dot com
I love Yoplait!
atreau at gmail dotcom.
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